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The Upsherin

Look at this cute little child. For sure it’s a girl, right? Surprisingly, it’s actually a boy, but you wouldn’t know it with his hair. (-:

In the Jewish tradition many people do the first haircut for a boy when he turns 3, resulting in all these little boys around with long hair who look like girls! The haircut ceremony, called an Upsher is usually a special celebration with all the extended family members having a turn to snip off a little bit of hair before it gets all neatly cut off. The sudden change from a toddler to a boy can sometimes be quite dramatic.

Parents like to bring their little boys for pictures before their haircut, and 15 years ago, when I started my business this was my main area of photography.

The upsher is also an opportunity for the family to come and have family photos as well and many parents like to do just that.

As you can see many of them came after the haircut as well, to have an AFTER photo and when we put the BEFORE and AFTER photos together into one picture it really looks like the toddler together with his big brother, but nope, it's the same little boy just after his haircut! See what I mean from a sudden change to becoming a big boy! (Of course his personality doesn’t also make that big sudden change and it can be hard to remember that he is the same mischievous little toddler he was yesterday!)

Family photos are precious and the time is flying... let's not wait to capture those special moments. Click here to book a free consultation – I would love to help you record your own family’s growth for posterity!

Family photos are precious and the time is flying... let's not wait to capture those special moments. Click here to book a free consultation – I would love to help you record your own family’s growth for posterity!

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